Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Who I Am

I was planning on writing something up today but what I'm writing isn't what I intended to write. When I got on Facebook this morning, one of the first posts I saw was from You Know It Happens At Your House Too so I popped over to her page to get some background on what it was I was reading and why.

I can only call it an exercise in real self-love. Get your minds out of the gutter cuz I'm talking about verbalizing to ourselves WHY we think we are awesome, not the "self-love" your parents tell you will make you go blind.

There aren't really 'rules' to this thing; they're more like guidelines. Write an intro if you want then set a timer for five minutes and write down what you love about yourself. DO NOT PROOF-READ. DO NOT EDIT. This is supposed to be raw and uncut.

I am a young mother, sometimes struggling but mostly thriving.

I am an avid reader, writer and knitter. I think there's an old lady trapped in this youthful looking body...

I am a native Oregonian and I hear Portland calling my name.

I am open-minded and can't stand ignorance or intolerance.

I am a good friend.

I am powerful and confident.

I am beautiful, smart and witty.

I am sarcastic and snarky.

I am a believer in the power of positive thoughts and know that the key to happiness is BEING HAPPY.

I am my father's daughter. I wish he were here to see me and share all this craziness with me.

I am still grieving for him, eight years later.

I am unmarried, in a long-term committed relationship with the father of my two kids.

I am happy I am me.

This is a quick little esteem builder and I encourage anyone reading this to do one for themselves. If you do decide to make one & you'd like to share it, please feel free to post it on Oh Boys FB page.


  1. I love the woman you have become and I am so very proud of you. Your pop is very proud of you...he always was. You were the greatest gift either of us ever received in our entire lives, hands down.

  2. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!!! So glad you did it!!

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