Saturday, August 1, 2009

Long Time, No Post!!

So we're pregnant!! LOL about 18 weeks along and getting ready to find out whether Baby's a boy or a girl! It's freaking awesom but this pregnancy is WAY different than Phoenix's far my boobs are WAY bigger than they were at this point w/ Phoenix...I'm not complaining believe me!! Just wondering how big they'll get before this is all over & done, I'm totally breastfeeding this time so they're gonna get huge, I know! We're really freaking excited & trying to keep Phoenix as involved as possible. He's been to all of our appts so far, except for my emergency appt w/ the on-call midwife when I thought I had a kidney infection...that was like three days after we got back from Sacramento tho & EASILY could've been delayed backache from the 13.75 hour drive!!

We've been super busy even tho Jay & I are both stay-at-home parents right now LOL. He's gotta job interview on Monday tho so hopefully I'll be the only one at home in just a little bit :) The trip to Sacramento in July was amazing!! It was great to see the family & we got to spend a lot of time w/ Mike & the kids; it gave a glimpse into the two-kid lifestyle & gave us an appreciation for having just the one for a little while longer...We stayed for a whole two weeks! I think we would have stayed longer but Phoenix had a doctors appt to get checked out & up-to0date for Head Start; he starts pre-school in September! I can't believe it but I think it'll be really good for him.

We're planning the move down to Sacramento for sometime next year. We want to have the baby up here at Legacy Emanuel & I'm pretty sure OHP won't cover me in California so we're not really "stuck" but kinda. It'll be nice to have two Native Oregonians tho; we're a rare breed :) This way we have plenty of time to save money for a house & find a job for Jay; we're in agreement that someone should be at home with the kids as long as it's financially possible. Not to speak ill of all babysitters & daycares but we haven't had the greatest experiences with either.

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